Thanking our Heroes of the Highway
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2018
When you go to the grocery store, what do you see? Food and lots of it. When you order something off of Amazon and it arrives 2-days later, how does it happen so quickly? Truck drivers across America make these simple occurrences happen without you even realizing it. They were busy traveling and making deliveries door-to-door and then getting back on the road to the next safe delivery.
Need for Truckers
Chances are you saw a truck on your way to work today. That’s because trucks are on the road with us every day, rain or shine, including weekends and holidays. Millions of trucks travel our roads every day, and behind the wheel of that truck. Regardless of the weather or terrible traffic, they are one of 3.5 million hardworking truck driving professionals who are working to deliver the goods that keep our lives supplied and the economy moving forward.
Truck drivers deliver all of our essential goods that help us live, including our food, clothing, medication, and gas. For these reasons, we celebrate them during this National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, September 9-15. The trucking industry delivers to our neighborhoods and businesses. They keep our stores stocked, and as a result, are an essential driver of our economy, contributing $738.9 billion in revenue a year.
Through their dedication and tireless work, truck drivers, who travel over 4.5 billion collective miles a year, deliver these goods safely and on time to every community across America — often spending days, or even weeks, away from their loved ones.
Thanking these Heroes
While we see trucks on a regular basis, we don’t always appreciate their value or stop to think about how significantly the trucking industry contributes to our lives, communities, and economy. We rarely stop to thank the driver behind the wheel.
During this week-long commemoration that is hosted every September, we give a nod to these hardworking Americans and provide the appreciation that they don’t always receive, but truly deserve. These trained professionals take pride in their jobs and making their deliveries safely and on time. They’re especially proud of the industry’s safety initiatives and efforts, and they celebrate their own millions of accident-free miles because the safety of those on the road is not a responsibility they take lightly.
This week join Georgia Driving Academy and take a moment out of your busy day to reflect on the importance of a truck driver’s work. If you see a driver, please use it as an opportunity to say thank you to these real-life heroes. Without truck drivers, our lives would not be the same.