Tips and Insights into the Truck Driving Industry

View any of the articles below to learn more about trucking career opportunities and how to prepare for an in-demand career in transportation.

  • thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, pie, etc.

    This year the world has recognized the importance of truck drivers and making sure our shelves and aisles are stocked. While you are enjoying your Thanksgiving meal (safely), remember to give thanks to the truck drivers around you. Thanksgiving kicks off a hectic holiday season for truckers that adds to an already busy workload due […]

  • Image of truck driver on break

    Updated February 2025 Long haul trucking is an exciting career that offers job stability, a great income, and the chance to explore the country. After completing your Class A CDL training at Georgia Driving Academy, you’ll be ready to hit the open road! However, long hours behind the wheel can sometimes lead to boredom. Here […]

  • Red text reads what is hot shot trucking, surrounded by photos of trucks

    Hot shot truckers specialize in time-sensitive loads, usually for situations where failure to deliver items within a certain time period could cause problems within the company. The term “hot shot” comes from the Texas oilfields in the ’70s, where pickups delivered crucial parts to drilling operations as quickly as possible. It is quickly becoming a […]

  • georgia driving academy ribbon cutting ceremony

    Columbus Campus Ribbon Cutting August 19, 2020 – Georgia Driving Academy celebrated the opening of its new Columbus Campus located at 3625 Manchester Expy Suite C, Columbus, GA 31909  with a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony. During the ribbon-cutting, GDA President, Brad Barber, Stevens Transport – Vice President of Driver Resources, Angela Horowitz, Georgia State Representative, Richard […]

  • It reads, Trucking in the 21st Century on top, with a picture of a red semi below it

    Updated July 2021 The trucking industry has grown tremendously since its humble beginnings of freight transportation in the early 20th century. Trucking in 2021 has led to advancements being made in fields such as technology, automation, and load capacity. However, one problem has continued to plague truckers since the beginning, that being the never-ending driver […]

  • 3 white semi trucks parked on side of road

    As the world begins the challenging task of restoring economies that have been damaged by COVID-19 pandemic, truck drivers strive to keep the economic supply chain moving. Truck drivers are the lifeblood of the supply chain. They are the ones who move raw materials to and from manufacturing plants. They also distribute finished products to […]